US English - Level 1 Exam Answers - PART II

US English - Level 1 Exam Answers - Set 2 


#51 Question:

I can buy my groceries ___________ here.
  • cheap
  • cheaply
  • cheep
  • more cheap
  • most cheep
Answer: cheaply

#52 Question:
Trees are one of my favorite _________.
  • item
  • living thing
  • plant
  • thing
  • things
Answer: things

#53 Question:
Bruce Lee __________ martial arts.
  • has teach
  • know
  • practice
  • practiced
  • teach
Answer: practiced

#54 Question:
That price is for _________ apple, not per pound.
  • all
  • each
  • many
  • total
  • whole
Answer: each

#55 Question:
Ten dollars was the ____________ I ever made.
  • all
  • more
  • most
  • most of
  • mostest
Answer: most

#56 Question:
The wind was high ___________ the storm.
  • because of
  • because while
  • cause
  • cause of
  • on account
Answer: because of

#57 Question:
Please don't talk ___________ your mouth full.
  • if
  • when
  • where
  • while
  • with
Answer: with

#58 Question:
Matches can __________ dangerous.
  • be
  • cause
  • find
  • make
  • make some
Answer: be

#59 Question:
When the lizard grows, _____ sheds its skin.
  • He
  • he
  • it
  • it's
  • she
Answer: it

#60 Question:
Dad was laid off, but _______ will find work soon.
  • He
  • he
  • it
  • might
  • they
Answer: he

#61 Question:
Bob kept working, but didn't enjoy _______.
  • him
  • himself
  • his self
  • it's self
  • itself
Answer: himself

#62 Question:
There were __________ in the aquarium.
  • guppees
  • guppie's
  • guppies
  • guppy's
  • guppys
Answer: guppees

#63 Question:
October can be very ___________ here.
  • cold
  • colder
  • coldest
  • coldly
  • most cold
Answer: cold

#64 Question:
Will you ________ me to the fair?
  • do with
  • go
  • take
  • taken
  • taking
Answer: take

#65 Question:
We ________ there in the morning.
  • be
  • be to
  • been
  • getting
  • will be
Answer: will be

#66 Question:
This isn't that hard__ my son did it yesterday.
  • ! (exclamation mark)
  • , (comma)
  • . (period)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
Answer: ; (semicolon)

#67 Question:
Would you like more soup_
  • !
  • ,
  • .
  • :
  • ?
Answer: ?

#68 Question:
Ouch__ That really hurt!
  • ! (exclamation mark)
  • "(quotation mark)
  • , (comma)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
Answer:  ! (exclamation mark)

#69 Question:
The stove is _________ to the refrigerator.
  • against
  • away
  • far
  • next
  • out
Answer: next

#70 Question:
When you go, may ____ come with you?
  • I
  • be
  • can
  • i
  • not
Answer: I

#71 Question:
____ are going to the theater.
  • Everyone
  • I
  • It
  • She
  • We
Answer: We

#72 Question:
It's better to give ________ to receive.
  • than
  • that
  • then
  • there
  • this
Answer: than

#73 Question:
Of all the employees, Bob tried the _________.
  • harder
  • hardest
  • more hard
  • most hard
  • most hardest
Answer: hardest

#74 Question:
Please put the leftovers ____ the refrigerator.
  • at
  • in
  • of
  • out
  • to
Answer: in

#75 Question:
I counted ________ person at the dance.
  • all
  • all of
  • every
  • total
  • whole
Answer: every

#76 Question:
Joe ______ quickly to the bus stop.
  • did ran
  • has ran
  • ran
  • run
  • runned
Answer: ran

#77 Question:
I would like to go shopping, ______.
  • 2
  • to
  • too
  • tow
  • two
Answer: too

#78 Question:
__________ of the earth is covered with water.
  • About
  • Great
  • Many
  • Much
  • lots
Answer: Much

#79 Question:
Only six students ___________ this course last year.
  • have passed
  • have past
  • passed
  • past
  • will pass
Answer: passed

#80 Question:
I try _______ be friendly to my neighbors.
  • always
  • and
  • for
  • to
  • too
Answer: to

#81 Question:
The leather glove is old and ____________.
  • crack
  • cracked
  • has crack
  • has tore
  • have cracks
Answer: cracked

#82 Question:
The glass ___________ apart violently.
  • broke
  • broke from
  • has broke
  • have broke
  • have broken
Answer:have broken

#83 Question:
We can't ____________ go back there again.
  • always
  • ever
  • every
  • never
  • not never
Answer: ever

#84 Question:
That was a __________ stop!
  • more fast
  • quick
  • quicken
  • quickest
  • quickly
Answer: quick

#85 Question:
Paul is tall, but ______ isn't very thin.
  • He
  • he
  • him
  • it
  • so
Answer: he

#86 Question:
Calcium is _______ important supplement.
  • a
  • an
  • and
  • real
  • very
Answer: an

#87 Question:
You should only take this drug if _______ prescribed by a doctor.
  • it
  • it's
  • its
  • they are
  • when
Answer: it's

#88 Question:
I placed fifth in the _________ race.
  • either
  • last
  • most
  • most fastest
  • speedily
Answer: last

#89 Question:
The river is _____________ here than I remember.
  • most wide
  • the most wide
  • wide
  • wider
  • widest
Answer: wider

#90 Question:
The answers are in the back _____ the book.
  • as
  • from
  • in
  • of
  • to
Answer: of

#91 Question:
I have ___________ experience in this field.
  • greatest
  • lots
  • many
  • most
  • much
Answer: much

#92 Question:
That's the last one we _____________.
  • got
  • gotten
  • have
  • have got
  • will
Answer: have

#93 Question:
Eight divided ____________ two equals four.
  • at
  • by
  • from
  • into
  • to
Answer: by

 #93 Question:
Eight divided ____________ two equals four.
  • at
  • by
  • from
  • into
  • to
Answer: by

 #94 Question:
My dog followed the burglar's ________.
  • cent
  • scent
  • sense
  • senses
  • sent
Answer: scent

 #95 Question:
I ________ forgotten my wallet.
  • did
  • just
  • must have
  • must of
  • won't
Answer: must have

 #96 Question:
Was that a cry for help___
  • ! (exclamation mark)
  • , (comma)
  • . (period)
  • : (colon)
  • ? (question mark)
Answer: ? (question mark)

#97 Question:
Could we please get to work now___
  • ! (exclamation mark)
  • " (quotation mark)
  • . (period)
  • : (colon)
  • ? (question mark)
Answer: ? (question mark)

#98 Question:
I've told you twice_ Please don't ask again.
  • , (comma)
  • . (period)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • ? (question mark)
Answer: . (period)

#99 Question:
If she doesn't call back soon, _______ should call her again.
  • You
  • my
  • you
  • you're
  • your
Answer: you


